Hexagonal Gabion baskets or cages and mattresses are purpose designed stone filled wire mesh baskets or cages, filled with stone. The name Gabion is derived from the Italian word gabionne which means “big cage”. Woven Mesh Gabions are an economical, environmental and established solution for structural retaining walls and coastal defences. Designed like for like, gabions are hard to beat on cost and aesthetics when compared to other established retaining wall systems such as reinforced concrete and masonry. This is particularly so for low to medium height retaining walls.
Hexagonal Gabion baskets and mattresses are available with a choice of different wire coatings. Standard coatings are HDG (Hot Dip Galvanised), Alu-Zinc (95% Zn + 5% Al) coated or PVC coated. Alu-Zinc coated baskets are often mistaken for galvanised ones as they look similar but can actually last up to 3-4 times longer under similar exposure conditions. PVC coated cages on the other hand can have a design life expectancy of up to 120 years, depending on exposure conditions. PVC coated gabions should be considered for longer service life requirements and for application near the sea, river or locations where exposure to corrosive chemicals, acids and salts is possible.PVC coated baskets are usually supplied with a grey PVC coating as standard but other colours are available to special order.
Standard wire diameter is 2.7mm, while 2.0mm and 2.4mm are available for certain mesh size combinations. Minimum thickness of PVC coating for woven gabions is 0.5mm.
Mesh Size Options Options are also available with mesh size. The most common mesh size is 80mmx100mm for gabions and 60mmx80mm for mattresses. 100mmx120mm is also available to special order.
GABION SIZES Baskets are available in range of sizes in half metre steps with the 2x1x1m gabion cage being the most common size. Other common sizes are 1.5x1x1m, 1x1x1m, 2x1x0.5m, 1x1x1m etc. Larger sizes such as 3x1x1m and 4x1x1m are also available to special order. Smaller landscaping sizes such as 2×0.5×0.5m are also available. Gabion sizes are always denoted in Length x Width x Height.
Woven Mesh gabions are also available as Mattresses. Gabion Mattresses are available 3x2m or 6x2m in plan and 0.17m, 0.23m 0.3m or 0.5m thick. Mattresses are typically used for erosion control and scour protection.
• Retaining wall structures
• River and canal training works
• Erosion and scour protection; roadway protection;
bridge protection
• Hydraulic structures, dams and culverts
• Coastal protection works
Advantages using Woven Mesh Hexagonal Gabions
• Ability to deform without cracking allowing unpredictable movement and settlement without loss of stability.
• Blends easily and harmoniously with the natural surroundings.
• Low cost alternative to concrete or masonry struc-tures.
• Very high resistance to natural forces due to better tensile strength.
• Simple and speedy installation, making it cost effective.
• Easy and cheap repair to damaged cages.
Advantages of our Woven Mesh Hexagonal Gabion
• Conforms to all the relevant design standards and is BBA certified.
• The mesh is orientated the logical way, with the weave running vertically, improving the stiffness
of the baskets, making installation easier and quicker.
• All standard sizes are in stock in our yard in Dublin.
• You can avail of our specialist installation service.
• Triple twisted mesh will not unravel if one wire should break.